I’ve asked this question to writers many many times: “Would you prefer people you know buy your book, or strangers.” Their face lights up with unquestioning certainty: “STRANGERS!” But what I often find is that to build momentum in how your creative work is shared, it starts with those you already have a connection with. Today I want to explore why.
Instead of just recommending a book here and there, instead of just doing a #FollowFriday on Twitter, instead of just linking to someone, what if you gushed about them? What if you celebrated them in a big way? What if you honored what they create? What if you took on the role of someone who shares with ridiculous generosity? Today I explore the power of generosity in your platform.
Today I want to discuss two strategies for effectively marketing your writing that may seem to conflict with each other. Yet, both are essential. Here they are: #1 Consistency Matters. #2 Delight and Surprise Your Audience.
1. Proximity Matters
2. Focus on Conversion
3. Understand The Marketing Funnel
4. Double Down